Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I'm told that this is the Starship Enterprise....but I find that hard to see.


Wendster said...

and I thought that the Magic Eye pictures were impossible to read!

That's TV static. That's when Star Trek is playing on your old black and white Tv with NO antenna. Yup.

And thanks for the welcome back today. It was way cool to come back my first day and see a comment from my buddy Bill. You rock Bill!
Sorry to hear your knee is in a brace! I am going to have to read and catch up and find out why. Knee surgery?

Way to figure out the black ice is there. That's what we call wisdom. Going out for a walk when it's so cold that black ice is on the ground ... ? Even though your knee hurts dang bad...? That's what we call DEDICATION. Good job, my friend.


Cerulean Bill said...

It's STATIC???? Are you SERIOUS??? Damn, I had just about convinced myself I could see the front dish antenna, and part of the hull! All with ten or so repetitions, like the ME ones are alleged to have. (Alleged because I NEVER get that to work.)


STAG said...

Yeah, it pops right out. Good rendition. Better resolution than usual in these things.

A rather good magic eye picture. To make it look like static is kind of special, though not really desireable.

Cerulean Bill said...

I can see it...all I have to do is close my eyes....