Tuesday, February 03, 2009


This morning, we went for a slow walk, me with the knee brace on and the cane. At one point, we stopped and looked carefully at the ground. "Looks like black ice", my wife said. I poked gingerly at it with the cane, which skidded right across the patch. We looked at each other, turned around, and slowly walked home.

Made me feel old, I'll tell ya.


Unknown said...

Black ice keeps me home, too!

It's the last thing I want to encounter - especially if I'm going through a corner...

Don't feel bad - you've got an injury you have to look after. Once it's all fixed, you can grab the skates and give the Mrs a twirl, Fred Astaire-like. :-)

Carolyn Ann

Cerulean Bill said...

Oh, CA, if I was to get on ice-skates, even the dual-blade type, my wife would have me committed. And not the fun kind, with room service and ten thousand cable channels, either.

But I do like the thought...