Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chilly Daze

We went out for a walk this morning. I was so bundled and layered, I looked like a Pillsbury Dough Boy puff pastry. Worked, though -- the only place I felt the chill was on my face, and, for some reason, on the bottom of my left leg, near the brace. It was as if the brace was pushing the cloth of my jeans away from my skin, letting the cold air in. NBD.

I'm trying that Kuglof recipe this morning, and for once, I did something smart about the eggs. I've heard it said that a cold egg is easier to separate, but a warm one whips up better (greater volume). I broke the eggs, put them into a bowl, and am letting it warm up while the dough rises a bit. The dough isn't the main body of it - more like a poolish, if anything - but it takes a little while, sitting in a warmed oven (actually, its just the warmth of the light), so I figured what better place to let the eggs gently warm, too? In about half an hour, I'll make the first cut at the dough, and we'll see how it goes. This could be a disaster in the making, but it might be fun, too. Odd how the recipes I find that sound like fun are more likely to be desserts than real meals. Saw one for a brioche last night, on the King Arthur site, and thought oh, that might be fun. Just walk away, Bill. Just go to another site, right now.

And thats it for now.

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