Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Weeks Worth

There are one hundred sixty eight hours in a week.

My daughter sleeps for about nine hours a night, or 63 a week, leaving one hundred five.
She goes to color guard or related activities about five hours a week, leaving one hundred.
She spends about an hour a day eating meals, leaving 93.
She goes to church, and then to the store, once a week, leaving about 91.

Of the remainder, we've asked her to spend about 5 hours a week doing activities such as cooking one meal per week, mowing a small section of lawn, and writing in a journal about what she's reading. Also, to take care of her pets, and keep her room relatively neat.

We are cruel parents.


Lone Chatelaine said...

Lol! :)

Yes, y'all are terrible, terrible people. Watch out or I'll run you down in vengeance with the four wheel drive ;-)

Cerulean Bill said...

It certainly makes up for the hours I spend late at night, muttering over a cauldron, thinking of ways to torment her...