Monday, June 09, 2008

Sauce for the Goose....

Is it fair to question the integrity of someone who's checking out vice-presidential candidates if that person received loans from a mortgage broker during the time that the person ran a federal agency that guarantees the loans issued by mortgage brokers? I'm thinking yes, it is.

Even if it is from my candidate's side of the aisle.

The question is being raised by the other side, for political gain, but its a fair question. Our guys need to be above reproach. Perhaps thats asking too much, of any big-time politician these days. Perhaps its like our side refusing to use character-innuendo when the then-opponent did, thus appearing weaker, even if morally superior. But I don't think its unreasonable. I think it's very reasonable. Or as my wife put it, at what point did the criterion for being a 'top advisor' switch from 'do nothing wrong' to 'don't get caught when you do'?

This needs to be aired and explained. Quickly, succinctly, and authoritatively.

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