Saturday, June 14, 2008


Last night I heard a very strange phrase. It's one of those where if you repeat it, the chances are very good someone will get offended -- so I'll merely point it out here, and note that after my daughter left the breakfast table this morning, I said it, laughing, to my wife, several times. Wonderful person that she is, she just smiled politely.

Today my daughter has a friend coming over - a girl that she went to preschool with. When she was at the school, there were four of them who hung out together -- my daughter, Torie, Maggie, and Beth. Each had her own style -- Torie was very, very quiet; Maggie was noisy and a little aggressive; Beth was a jock (and still is, I hear). For the longest time, she lost touch with them, and when she finally did get back together with one or the other of them, she learned that the same thing had happened to each of them -- as they grew up and went to different school districts, they'd only see each other on occasion, and my daughter, almost never. About two weeks ago, my wife was talking with Beth's mother, with whom she works, and she sang the same litany == my daughter would really like to get together with your daughter. They set something up, and the two girls called each other. Now I intermittently hear my daughter talking a great length with Beth, complaining casually about how dull her life is - Dull is good! I mouth - and how they really need to get together again. Well, today's the day. My wife and I, of course, think that this is a perfect reason for my daughter to clean the hell out of her room -- I now have great sympathy for people who describe their child's room as a morass of clothing where at times you cannot see the floor; surely you exaggerate, I used to think, but no more. My daughter accepts that we will want her to do this. She may even pick something off one pile and move it over to another. See? I did it!

My beard itches. Oh, the problems of the idle retired.

I mentioned the other day that I was surprised to find that I 'have a follower' on Twitter; for that, I was surprised to find that I was even still there. Now one of the people who looks at this blog mentions that she is 'following' me as well. I have to find out if there is a service that will make Twitter entries for me so as to make my life seem more interesting, more eventful than it actually is, because otherwise I think that these people are going to be seriously disappointed. That's it? You're not leaving things out? That's really all you do all day?


Lone Chatelaine said...

If I had heard a little boy saying that I wouldn't have been able to keep from laughing hysterically. That's too funny :)

I've been hearing that "twitter" word all over, but I have no idea what it is. Maybe I should explore it.

Cerulean Bill said...

Shannon, who comments here on occasion, is vastly more experienced than I am or likely ever will be, on it. I did stick a comment on the original post that talks a little about it (which is pretty much all I know).

I love Yeah. (g)