Friday, June 13, 2008


This is something that (probably) only a person with a certain military background might notice. See anything odd about this illustration? (Actually, there are two things -- one's relatively obvious, and one isn't.)


STAG said...

Hmmmm....the Japanese "Rising Sun" flag, the wrong number of stars, the four figures representing five branches of the executive arm of government, and is it my imagination, but is "liberty" spelled wrong?

Cerulean Bill said...

Pretty close -- four figures was the obvious one. The non-obvious one was that of all the figures, each is enlisted -- except (probably) the Air Force one, who's almost certainly an officer. (USAF air crewmen are usually officers.) I noticed that because when I was enlisted, the then-CMSAF pointed that out as the major difference between the services, and said his job was to make the USAF enlisted people more visible. I'm guessing it didn't work.

Don't think thats the rising sun, though -- not that color and shape. And Liberty looks okay to me, though its hard to make out. Hmm..interesting analogy for our times...