Saturday, August 01, 2009

Further On

Some stray thoughts --

I found this the other day, and I'm using it as wallpaper now. I love it. The site didn't have a descriptive name for it, so I saved it as Red Cosmos. One of the few wallpapers that I'd actually pay for.

I'm reading a book by Molly Ivins now, You Got To Dance with Them What Brung You. I had read the occasional article by her, over the years; most notably, I recall hearing of, though not reading, a book titled Molly Ivins Can't Say That, Can She? Looking through this one, I think two things: it's a damn shame that she died (though the fact was undoubtedly a great delight to the fools, brigands, and politicians (I am redundant, I admit it) in Texas, specifically, and the United States, occasionally, that she skewered with regularity), and Why is it that it takes a writer like that to illuminate what in retrospect ought to have been damn obvious to the most casual observer? I wonder how she'd have reported on the scheme by conservatives (here) to insist that health care reform includes mandatory euthanasia planning for the elderly. With scintillating scorn, I'd bet. Who can wear her mantle today?

Apparently, RyanAir isn't as bad as I'd heard. It's worse. It takes money-grubbing to a new level undreamt of by the scions of American business. So far, anyway.

I'm not a networker. Love to be, never mastered it. Hell, never got an undergraduate in it! But, apparently, that doesn't matter -- decades after leaving college, they can still help you. Who'd have guessed?

I told my daughter I was making Belgian waffles for breakfast (I have this frequently) and asked if she'd like some. She perked right up. Why, yes! I asked my wife if perhaps she didn't know that the waffles we have normally are called that; she didn't know.

We're supposed to pick up the cousin this morning, meeting at a mall that's more or less halfway. The cousin's mother says that since it takes a while for her family to get organized and out the door (five kids, from eight to fifteen? Oh, yeah), so she'll call us when they're actually leaving, and we'll leave at that time. Synchonize your watches...


STAG said...

Ryan Air. The end of air travel as we know it.

One of the commentators on that site said it best...."All the other airlines don't have any customer service, Ryan Air simply doesn't lie about having it!"

Check out the youtube video "United breaks guitars" for a giggle.

Cerulean Bill said...

I had seen that Guitars video. I really liked it. Pity that it takes something like that to get organizations to do what they ought to do normally.