Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Two xrays and one MRI later, the verdict is in: my wife's foot is not broken. Still got a fairly large blister, though, as well as a big honkin' hematoma inside. Gonna take another week, easily, to subside - and that only if she'll continue to stay off her feet.

CNN has an interesting and succinct summary of competing health plans as part of an article about a Specter town hall.

Baking a devils food cake, just for the heck of it.


Tabor said...

I think Specter held his own considering the stupid way questions were phrased...I.E. I already know the answer and just want to vent! Sorry about your wife...looks like she gets breakfast in bed?

Cerulean Bill said...

Kind of...she gets to hobble, but I make it. Fine with me.