Friday, January 09, 2009


At lunch today, my wife and I were talking about the Boston Legal show.  I mentioned that I really like the Alan Shore character played by James Spader.  She was surprised, as she regards Shore as a fairly slimy character, willing to do anything to win a case.  I told her that I liked him for his verbal dexterity, though in real life, I likely wouldn't, very much.

As a real-life counterpoint, I learned today that our neighbor, who had been arrested for sex with a minor, has been convicted, with a minimum sentence of five years.  If it were someone I didn't know, I'd think good, particularly as the girl involved was just about my daughter's age.  As it is....ouch.


Tabor said...

Why ouch? Were there extenuating circumstances.

Cerulean Bill said...

I'm just startled by it. Things like this don't happen in my quiet world.