Friday, January 23, 2009


O, as they say, MG.

I just went into my daughter's room to give the guinea pig some food. On the way out, I noticed a faint outline of a kiss-mark on her mirror (its a big one that we used to have on a bureau). Okay, fine. And above the mirror is a fairly large picture of The Jonas Brothers. Okay, fine with that, too. And to the left -- a hunky guy with a big smile who seems to have forgotten his shirt.

The following changes in internet and television accessibility are now in effect......


Unknown said...

Haha, Isn't it great having a teenage daughter? Good for growing gray-hair :-P

Cerulean Bill said...

I just knew you'd see it my way, Shannon.

Could be worse. I recall her mother talking about doing exactly the same thing when she was that age -- only, she had to fight her sister for pride of placement for their respective posters.