Friday, January 30, 2009


Years ago, my uncle was in a traffic accident.

He'd entered an intersection and was broadsided by a bus. The investigation showed that he had not stopped before entering the intersection. My uncle protested that there was no stop sign, and indeed, there was not. The local cop allowed as how kids were always stealing that stop sign. They charged him anyway, and he went to court. At the trial, the bus company was represented by a friend of my uncle's family. The bus company won. Afterwards, the lawyer apologised to them, and my aunt said, quite heatedly, that he and his family had been treated by her (she's a nurse) for years, and when they needed him, he was on the other side. He protested that he was just doing his job. She replied that in the future, he could get his medical care elsewhere.

Not sure why I just thought of that.

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