Saturday, January 24, 2009


Sometimes, when I'm reading, I'll tear out the page from the magazine or newspaper because it's going to take more time, or more energy, to understand the article than I'm willing to give then -- yet I don't want to not read it. Last night, my wife found one of those articles (somehow it'd gotten mixed in with her pile of things-to-read) -- it was from the Economist of early November, subject: why do stocks vacillate as they do. The answer appears to be well, they just do, though maybe not. I know that's a cheap shot, but that is what it came down to -- they had reasons for why they go up, and reasons for why they go down, and sometimes the reasons are based on rational behavior on the part of investors, and sometimes the reasons are based on irrational behavior on the part of investors. You pays your money, you get to pick the model that makes sense to you.

But what I really like was that the article of three months ago started by saying 'As stocks appear to be in a free-fall....'

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