Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ron Paul

I'm not a Ron Paul fanatic. I believe that goverment implies leadership, and leadership is more good than bad. There's a role for government to play in overcoming the nastiness that comes out of nature just being a bitch, and people just being nasty, period. There are functions performed by government which ought to be done. It doesn't matter that they aren't in the Constitution, because the Constitution is a set of guidelines, coupled with some absolutes, not a set of absolutes, period. When Mr. Paul (and thank you for not calling yourself Doctor, sir, even though you are, when you're acting as a politician, not a doctor) -- when he says that it's in the Constitution or its gone, I disagree strongly. The world isn't that simple.

But I like him more than I dislike him, because, man, he surely does say some interesting things.

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