Tuesday, December 18, 2007


The new laptop arrived.

I really want to send it back. The adult thing would be to send it back. It makes financial sense to send it back. I don't need a new one. Having a new one doesn't make sense while this one still works, and its obvious that a new one can be had very quickly. Keeping it would mean that my daughter gets this laptop, and eventually, sooner than I'd like to think, she'd want to start using the newer one, which would be cleaner, slicker, faster. Newer.

Right now, in my closet, is a box marked Dell. And inside it, a little voice is calling me....
I'm talking myself into it. My wife says she has a slight preference for keeping it -- or she did until I said that yes, this laptop does have a power problem, and it could die to a point where it won't restart -- but that could be in two months or two years. She's willing to do it anyway, if I want to. I'd love to keep it -- I just don't want to pay for it....although, from an existential viewpooint, given that it's been charged to me, I already have....


Vica said...

You know you want it. Faster, sleeker, more powerful. Heck, I want it!

Cerulean Bill said...

No prob, V, I'll sell it to you. You do want one with the UltraPorn channel, right?