Saturday, December 15, 2007

Chocolate Chipping

This is the most intriguing description of creating Chocolate Chip cookies that I have ever read.


SusieJ said...

Very entertaining. Now I'm hungry. I absolutely loved your reasoning on the Elf. Susiej

Cerulean Bill said...

Then I'm glad I didn't mention this page.

Unknown said...

Oh Good Eats! Happens to be one of my favorite shows probably because of its quirky nature. Hmm now I want some chocolate chip cookies.

Cerulean Bill said...

I don't usually catch it, mostly because I don't watch much TV. I always cringe a bit when I say that because it sounds so supercilious to me. Oh, the boob tube, yaas, well, I'd rawther spend my leisure hours sketching, or reading James Joyce, doncha know... I'm not exactly sure how I found that page, but I was quite taken by it. Made me think of the Cooking for Engineers site...