Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wednesday Already?

This week is going fast. Not sure why. Might be a function of the number of emails that I've gotten lately. Seems like they've been coming in waves. One of the people I'm associated with is known to send and respond to emails at outrageous hours, like 2AM. I know that she gets three and four times the amount that I do, and whats more, she actually keeps track of them. Me, if I don't respond to it in a couple of days, its gone, dropped below the event horizon.

Therapy didn't go all that well today -- a function of being really tired. I woke up thinking that I wanted to go back to sleep. I'd asked my wife to wake me up early, if she was awake, so that I could cook breakfast, but I'm afraid that when she did, I was a bit - abrupt- with her. I did end up making it, which is good, but the abruptness isn't. Then again, I've never been much of a morning person. Given my druthers, I usually sleep till about eight or eight thirty -- though lately, the flip side isn't true. The older I get, the earlier I seem to want to get to sleep. Pretty soon, I'll have the sleep habits of a cat.

I was pleased to fire up email and see that I had five messages == that usually means that at least one or two are comments from this blog, and I always like to see what people think. Ahem. Two from Comcast telling me that they now have on-demand hockey, one from a medical organization headling the question 'could disaster conditions ever justify euthanasia?', one from my backup package vendor, acknowledging my payment, and one that I'd forwarded from work. Hmm.... Hey, how about that hockey, huh?

I was listening to an account of a Senate race in Tennessee. The reporters all agreed that it was a very close race (seems about two thirds are), and that it had very quickly become a very personal race, with the contendors trading jibes and slander about each other. The reporters also said that people seemed to be getting tired of that, and that it doesn't seem to convince many people.... which doesn't seem to stop the politicians. As the old lawyer joke goes, when neither the facts nor the law are on your side, pound on the table.


Rach said...

Awww, well now you'll get at least one that's blog related. ;)

Cerulean Bill said...

Why, how nice of you!!!