Monday, October 16, 2006

Flip Side

I complain here, on occasion, so I thought I would mention that something good happened today.

Here's the deal. Due to how much fun I had this summer, we were several months behind in putting our bank statements into Quicken. I just put one in that was four months old! But, as I was doing it, I saw that we'd gotten a statement from the savings plan at The Best Little Software Company in the World -- and to my astonishment, I found that a combination of being several months behind in updating Q with its numbers, plus some decent growth in the stock market, had inflated its value significantly.

How significant?

Enough to pay for the dental work and almost not notice it.



Sweeti said...

Ok, I'm Jealous. Just kidding great going!

Cerulean Bill said...

It'd be nice to spend it on something cool -- Hey everybody, come over here and look at Bill's teeth! -- but this is a good thing. We're pretty pleased.

Rach said...

Oh wow, that's awsome, and perfect timing for what you want to spend it on too. Just think of it as an investment paying off another investment. Maybe that'll make it easier to show off at a later date.

Cerulean Bill said...

Heck, Rach, for what I'm paying for this, we're having a display stand built with muted lights and a velvet rope.