Wednesday, October 18, 2006


If you prefer the Democrats, please vote when the opportunity arises, and encourage all of your like-minded friends to do the same. This election is no time for stay-at-homes. If you do nothing else to show your anger and disgust about what's happened to our country, do this. Vote. Don't let this, or any, election be lost by default, by politics (remember Dade County?), or by lies and innuendo.

Count on it, the Karl Rove tsunami of dirty tricks and last-minute smears is on the way. He'll be betting he can treat you like simplistic inobservant boobs, and get away with it. He'll be betting that bombast and emotion will overwhelm your sensibilities, and your sense. He'll try to persuade you that not supporting the president is just about the same as being unAmerican; the same as giving aid and comfort to our enemies; as spitting on the graves of the men and women who've died in this war. Support the president? Support your country. Look above party lines, look around, think about what you see, and then do what your heart and brain tell you to do. I think it'll be pretty clear that a change is needed, and where that change should start.

Of course, if you like the course this country has taken, feel free to vote in favor of that, too.

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