Tuesday, October 31, 2006


My goodness.

I didn't think John Kerry had a tongue so long that he could trip on it.

Apparently, that's not the case.


genderist said...

Yeah, but he's a hellofa speaker.

Cerulean Bill said...

I can't tell if you are serious. I voted for him, but his eloquence wasn't the reason. It was because of who he wasn't.

In this case, I can believe he said something that dumb. He might have thought it funny, and in a way, it was. What irked me was his CYA maneuver afterward, saying that this was proof of our Iraq problems (or something along those lines). He sounded like a politician -- and I know of no worse description, even if he is!

Narie said...

The Republican Party has had control of Congress for 12 years, control of the White House for 6 years, and in all that time they have never let up, never stopped bashing Democrats at every turn and continued to take every opportunity to make mountains out of molehills.

I firmly believe they do this so they can continue divert attention from their own awful policies that benefit noone but themselves and their cronies.

It really, really angers me that they've been in power all this time and still haven't taken any responsibility for anything wrong with the country. It's still somehow all the Democrats fault in one way or another.

That said, it angers me even more when Democrat politicians practically hand them fuel to add to the fire, gah.

Sweeti said...

Bill you know I hate politics but this man deserves what he got, No matter what(REP or DEM. or IND.) or who is in office our service men and women both in and out of war, are to be held in the highest regard and should be supported, Period!
No wonder other countries find us confusing.

Just my opinion and I know it has not one diddly bit of power in this whole wide world. But politics or not I infatically support out troops. No matter what or where they are.

Cerulean Bill said...

N - I suspect both parties are like that. It was the Democrats' behavior that opened the door for Newt Gingrich & Co in the mid nineties, and it's the Republicans' behavior that's opening it for the Democrats now. I think that, organizationally, neither party is able to say 'we're wrong' because of the probability that the other will leap upon them. I agree with you about the fuel.

S - As someone who wore a uniform for eight years, I agree that the troops should be supported. To me, that means we treat them and their families in a fair manner (which we mostly do, but not entirely; some are living on food stamps!). It also means that we when we use them and their abilities to support our national objectives, we ensure that they have a good chance of coming out the other side unscathed. You can't always do that, in the military; I know that. But what we're doing is increasing the level of risk to them, without sufficient cause. We put them in harms way, without sufficient protection, without language skills, without extensive support. We're treating them as cannon fodder, and thats wrong.
Should we get out of Iraq? I wish we could. I don't think we can. But if we do decide that we have to stay, I want it to be with the best equipment, supplies, and training that money can buy, and without a whit of political maneuvering behind the decision. None of this 'you go to war with the supplies you have' nonsense; none of this 'mission accomplished' braggadocio. They and we deserve better than that, from both parties.

Cerulean Bill said...

By the way, I REALLY liked reading these comments. Really, really good stuff.