Sunday, October 15, 2006


This morning, while I was up way-too-early for a system upgrade, I realized to my surprise that there is at least one Republican I'd vote for. He's a congressman, which means he runs every two years. I met him one time, for ten seconds, and I liked him. So, extending that, I realized (and this was not new news) that there are Republicans I'd vote for, and I'd even be willing to see a continuation of Republican domination -- but, it would have to be Republicans like this guy -- bright, energetic, someone that I feel comfortable about. (I know: 'feeling comfortable' is a lousy reason for voting for someone.) I won't automatically vote for 'Any Democrat' -- rather, I'll pause, look to see if I recognize and like any of the Republicans (or 'others'); then, I'll choose between them and the Democrats for those slots, voting Democrat for the slots still open. Because I do truly despise the actions of the Republipigs in power now, and its the pigs that I want out. Their affiliation doesn't matter so much as that does. They turn my stomach.

That single acceptable guy, incidentally? Here.


genderist said...

It's hard sometimes when you're voting not to be revolted by those currently in office and automatically vote entirely down the page on the other side... but, like you said, sometimes it's nice to conceed that the "other guys" aren't total idiots.

Cerulean Bill said...

I was reading an article a few days ago about how some Republicans say that Democrat vows of evenhandness are just so much smoke, and that they will in fact engage in an orgy of investigations, recriminations, and rollbacks of prior legislation. (Some of which, I think, will certainly occur.) But the article went on to say that with a Presidential election two years away, the Democrats would have a brake on their vengeance; they would want to act as evenhandly and fairly as they could, so that the Republicans could not use their actions against them later.

If thats the result, good; too bad if thats the only way it can happen.

Narie said...

I think there are moral Republican politicians out there, I just don't see any in this current administration. If there were any, they've long since been forced out or left on their own because of moral issues.

On a board I read that has a lot of political discussions, one of the posters, a Republican, posted how he couldn't wait until 2008 when a Republican would win the Presidency again and he could watch all the Democrats go crazy over it.

Most of the Democrats on the board said no, it's not so much the entire body of Republicans, it's this Administration most Democrats have a problem with. I believe that true and I often have to remind myself of that, that not all Republicans are bad, immoral, unethical people.

After 6 years of this Administration, I often feel like Republican voters are my enemy and a threat to my future, my children's future. I hate feeling that way about fellow Americans and I never have felt that way until the Bush administration.

On a side note, I spent most of this evening reading Wikipedia. I had watched a program on the History Channel and I was wanting to read more about the Age of Enlightenment and it's adherents, namely Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, and how their views may have shaped our country and the Constitution. Interesting stuff.

I veered off into reading about George Washington and I couldn't get over the stark contrast to todays politicians. How long has it been since we've had a noble President? Is it even possible in todays political world?

Cerulean Bill said...

Noble? I don't know -- Truman? Eisenhower? None afterwards, to any great degree. I doubt its possible now -- they'd get laughed at as impractical dreamers.

I agree about the Republicans, both that they are not all bad, perhaps not even mostly, and that if they win in 2008, the Democrats will go crazy. I told my wife that if the Republicans win then, I'm changing my affiliation to Druid -- or seeing if Canada has any openings.