Sunday, July 02, 2006


This is just a guess, but I think that when a web site says that something it does is 'state of the art' probably isn't.


Rach said...

You can't just say that without showing an example. :P
I need to see, I need to see!

(sorry, I think I've had my quota of coffee this morning)

Cerulean Bill said...

Well, I really can't -- the thought occurred to me as I was looking for information on knowledge capture; one site said they had a SOTA system but the site was clearly old -- but just doing a search on the phrase turned up this:

In the coming decades, state-of-the-art spacecraft-based instruments that can detect key components associated with life as we know it on Earth


Now, does that sound like people who really are out there on the leading edge? Let alone what the people in my business call the bleeding edge?

Rach said...

Hmm, I think you've got a valid point there.

Cerulean Bill said...

In that case, I deem you an honorary us citizen. Take tomorrow off and go to the beach.