Monday, June 05, 2006


I don't imagine it will make all that much difference to this, that, and the other, but I'd like to note that I'll be away from the keyboard from this Saturday until the week after. So, no posts during that interval.....


Rach said...

You'll be missed.
Have a fantastic holiday. :)

Cerulean Bill said...

Thank you. I wasn't actually looking forward to it -- the time off, yes; the sit in a cramped cheerless airplane, no -- but the last few days, I've wanted to just knock off everything and go sit in the sun. I think I'm regressing to my attitude about summer from when I was a kid.

We'll be in Arizona, so I think I'll get enough sun!

Sweeti said...

Bill have a good holiday, We just got back from San Francisco and I think your going to enjoy the weather here in the west. If it isn't absolutely blistering already in AZ. That is the state I was born in.

Cerulean Bill said...

That would explain your photograph...

I understand that it isn't blistering, yet. Although the people we're visiting in Tucson told us that our hotel is within walking distance from their home 'if it weren't June'. I guess you learn to factor that sort of thing into account.