Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Diving For It

Chocolate, the guinea pig, is ill. We don't know with what -- we think her foot hurts, so she doesn't move very much. Tomorrow, we're taking her into the vet, but tonight we had a surprise -- we had a bag of Timothy hay where she could get at it, and she actually lunged at it so hard that she went into the bag. We consider this to be an encouraging sign, and it lead to both my wife and daughter saying what they'd lunge for -- my daughter picked Chocolate (the edible kind), and my wife picked spaghetti. I didn't have anything, but now I do. One of the meals we have pretty often is rigatoni or rotini with Newman's sauce, sometimes with meat sauce or meatballs. So when I saw this recipe for Rigatoni with Sausage and Tomato Sauce (a la Tony Soprano), here, I lit right up. The recipe looks like fun, too. So that's what I'd dive for -- Rigatoni with Sausage and Tomato. And maybe some freshly baked bread? Yum!

The pointer to that site, incidentally, was found here. It's worth seeing, too.

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