Sunday, June 04, 2006

Color me.....

I took one of those pop quizzes that show up on the Internet -- this one came from here , about 'which Crayola color are you' -- and this is what they said:

You are Blue.

You are cool and soothing, with a hidden spontaneous side. You are deeper than most people perceive, and you care a lot for those whom you surround yourself with.



Rach said...

Thanks for posting this amusing little quiz. Entertaining, but didn't find it figured me out quite right .. but then again, it's hard to judge oneself accuratly.

Cerulean Bill said...

Hmm.... plaid?

Sweeti said...

I am also blue, Hmmmm, It is uncanny!

Cerulean Bill said...

We could start a group -- BluePlaidBlue!