Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Apparently, for reasons unknown, Chocolate the guinea pig cannot straighten her legs. I didn't even know they could do that, but apparently so.

We have to give the animal what is essentially ibuprofen for a while to ease the (assumed) pain, and bring her to the vet for physical therapy. I have visions of a guinea pig in a starched white coat prescribing 'Timothy hay. More Timothy hay. LOTS more.'



Rach said...

You're serious? Physical therapy for a guinea pig??? The vets must make a killing off parents with teary eyed children pet owners. ;)

Cerulean Bill said...

I found it hard to believe, too. Apparently, my daughter has to take the GP into the tub and essentially force it to walk in the warm water; periodically, we have to bring it back to the vet for professional hands-on. I never (much) thought vets were hucksters, but I have my doubts about this one. Then again, to my mind, real vets deal with BIG animals, whereas this one deals with birds, guinea pigs, and hamsters. As my wife said, hey, we can replace it for $40, so I'm willing to spend $80... but that is not something we shared with the offspring.