Saturday, June 03, 2006

Lying Around

I'm lying in bed, listening to the birds outside, and the occasional far-distant hum of a motor race track. The track is active on Friday and Saturday nights; its our local way of saying that gosh, I guess that summer is actually here.

I went out to finish mowing the lawn, this evening, and my daughter offered to do part of it. When she got out there, though, she found that the area I was talking about was bigger than the area she occasionally does, and for which she gets a dollar, so she asked for a dollar and a quarter. I told her that if she did a decent job, I'd give her a dollar and fifty cents. Later, when she was done, I handed her a dollar, and she looked at me and clearly said "Well, we agreed that if ...." and I said "Right, right, I forgot (I really had); and by the way, kiddo, thats exactly the way that you stick up for yourself."

Great kid, huh?

1 comment:

Rach said...

That a way to teach her the value of a dollar (or dollar fifty, in this case) AND to collect when she's finished the job too.