Sunday, June 25, 2006


Something about my upcoming implant surgery is bothering me, and I don't know what it is.

One possibility is that I'm afraid that after the 'evaluation' this week, they'll conclude that I am not a candidate for the surgery, or a candidate only using cutting-edge (for which read: significantly more expensive, without concomitant assurance of results) techniques. I don't think either will happen, but I can't rule them out. My dental history is not good.

Another possibility is that they will say they can do it, but that it will take significantly longer than the norm because (fill in the blank). That's not too big a deal. But if they tie that to 'and you can't use that cute partial denture during that period', or 'you'll need a new, custom, expensive denture to fit over the implants while they're healing', then it becomes a deal.

A third is simply that the insurance payout will be minimal (always the goal of insurance companies) so that we have to bear the overwhelming brunt of the cost. Looking at my insurance company's chart of what they pay, I think that's possible. I really want to say that this isn't likely, but I think it is. (One comment that I've received on this subject was from a woman who doesn't have insurance, and would have to pay for all of her dental work herself. That sucks. I don't like using that phrase, but there are times none else will do.)

Finally, a fourth is that the surgery will fail. The success rate is between 90 and 95 percent, so the odds are good, but still....

I think that the continued overcast skies and rain have got me down, but I can't honestly say that bright blue skies would do much for me. When I'm in a funk, nothing seems to get me out of it except time.

I'll be glad when this is over. Or at least significantly underway, so that I can get out of this wimp mode.