Friday, May 21, 2010

The Commish

Damn. I might vote for him. At least, I'd think about it.

...though I'm not entirely sure about the "Republicans being better than that" part.


Anonymous said...

He's ready. He's got his horse saddled, got his rifle, his hat on at the right angle. He said the ones in there now keeping us in the dark so they can do anything they want. Said something about illegals. Sounds exactly like some of the political candidates running for office in my part of the world. They're ready, all they need to do is mount up and cock their rifle. He may be a good guy, the point being and most politicians know it, the American people will fall for most anything, especially good looking sound bytes. Wonder how he feels about Immigration. That's going to be dividing Republics, especially one running for re-election.

You work last Tuesday?

Cerulean Bill said...

Yeah, he hit all the right buzzwords. Had the appropriate amount of scorn for the other guy. I can easily see him getting votes. Reminds me of that guy who sells trailers for Cullman Liquidators. Think HE's from Alabama too, come to think of it.

Oh, yeah, I sure did. Up at 5, bed at 1030. It wasn't bad.