Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I don't read a lot of magazines. I used to, then, when we were trying to conserve funds, I backed off a lot. Now I just read three -- The Economist, MIT Technology Review, and Popular Science. The Economist for a broad view of what's happening in the world, and their occasional pieces on interesting topics; Tech Review for, well, technology (their pieces on society and politics tend to be lame, but the tech's usually good); and Popular Science because that's the level my mind works at. Oh, and Real Simple, which is pretty good even if I'm not in it's target gender.

I'd like two or three more.

Something that talks more about the biological sciences, at a more-than-I am Joes Left Nostril but less than New England Journal of Medicine level. One that assumes, say, that you vaguely remember what an allele is.

One with an intelligent but not mind-numbing depth on economics. For people who do know what the invisible hand is, whether or not they believe in it.

One on politics. Not politicians, more like 'how does the political process work'. Sociology? Maybe.

That sort of thing.

Yeah. Good luck finding them, 'specially around here.


Wendster said...

I vaguely remember the WORD allele.

And it's "I'm JACK'S left nostril."

GREAT great movie!!!!

Cerulean Bill said...

I'm pretty sure that allele refers to a range of singing.. or possibly a mountain chain in Peru.