Friday, May 21, 2010


I was in the school library with my mento, who is furiously trying to finish some projects. I don't have high hopes for that. I told my daughter that if he flunks, I likely won't do mentoring next year, as it will be clear I didn't help.

While I waited, I talked to a girl who'd talked with him. She was grabbing some books. Interesting titles, I said. She shrugged. I don't know what they're about, she said, but I thought I'd try anyway. Well, I replied, the first one is about PTSD, which stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and the second is about Toxic Shock Syndrome. Do you know what those are? She didn't. Would you like me to give you a thirty second summary of each? She did, so I did.

She put the books back. Not the reaction I was hoping for. Then again, considering that my explanation of the second one started with You know what a tampon is, right?, I probably got off lucky.

Like I said....not helping.

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