Sunday, July 26, 2009


Well, this time it wasn't my foot.

Last night, my wife was being nice to me, up at the mother-in-law's house, by bringing me a TV table to eat a grilled cheese on, instead of making me come to the kitchen table. Holding a heavy wooden table with one hand, it turns out, is not a good idea, as it slipped from her grasp, plummeted straight down, and impacted right on the top of her left foot. I'm damned if I know what the medical term for that part is; looking at a diagram, the closest I can find is the 'extensor hallucis longus tendon sheath'. We're calling it the 'upper arch'. By an hour later, it was swelling quite nicely, and by this morning she was walking with difficulty, totally unable to wear shoe or sandal.

She goes in for an XRay tomorrow. I'm now referring to the MIL's residence as the House of Doom.

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