Thursday, July 23, 2009

Acting Stupidly

Obama says the cops in Cambridge "acted stupidly" in arresting Gates, whom they thought had just busted into a house. Turned out to be his house. Obama admits he doesn't know the details, but "Skip Gates is a friend, so I could be a little biased".

Jesus, Barack, you think? At least it's clear that you know about acting stupidly, yourself. Maybe next time, you'll want to wait for details?


Tabor said...

I agree. He should have edited his comments more carefully. Like wonderment at how someone could be arrested for breaking into their own home. The cops were overly zealous clearly. If it had been two unarmed white guys I wonder if they would have jumped to conclusions.

Cerulean Bill said...

I think that the cops thought they'd caught a black guy (actually, two: apparently, the cab driver helping Gates was black) breaking into a house, and they'd seen that before. I think that Gates got irate and furious, as anyone would in that case, which agitated the cops, and when he pulled the race card out, the cops said Okay, we're all going down town and it'll get checked out there. Its possible that they thought 'uppity nigger, we'll show him', and its possible they didn't -- we don't know. My guess is, there was some of that. But as soon as it became clear that Gates had powerful friends, suddenly the charges were dropped. Why, no, we do that all the time.

If it had been two white guys, and two white cops, and the guys were as furious, I think they would have gotten busted, too, for the same reason. I think Gates overreacted, and then the cops did, and now Obama did.