Thursday, March 05, 2009

Health Care

I was impressed by the video that was on the government blog web site about a guy who held local meetings to talk about health care. I tried to link to it here, but the code wasn't acceptable to Blogger, for some reason. I suppose its a sign of the times that I actually look for things on that web site -- or that I'm surprised when things don't exactly work there.


Tabor said...

I am assuming that you saw Pres. Obama's meeting at the end of the first day of the health summit. I couldn't help but reflect on how totally different his energy, intelligence, and approach was so different from the constipated last 8 years!

Cerulean Bill said...

I did, yes. This guy is doing more in 45 days than the prior guy did in months, perhaps years.

I am so glad we elected him.