Saturday, March 28, 2009


There's always a bit of a what the heck was that when the wind blows a door shut... and you're the only one in the house. Which is whats going on right now. My wife and daughter are still at a color guard event. I wish they were home - somewhat for the companionship, but also because my daughter called me from there in a frenzy, absolutely melting down, saying that she had screwed up big time during their competition, and she needed to talk to her mother, but couldn't find her. For fifteen minutes, I tried, and tried, and tried, and she finally picked up, telling me that in the noise and confusion, she simply had not heard her phone ringing. She did get with my daughter -- apparently, she'd stepped on a flag during the performance, stumbling a bit. My wife says she recovered quickly, but that kind of thing can be devastating, particularly when the competition is very close. My daughter takes them seriously. In fact, it was realizing how important it was to her that made me back off on threatening to reduce her involvement if she doesn't do well in school. She'd be virtually grief-stricken. We did come up with a way to boost her grades, and we'll see in two days how that went. One class we know went up, and one, probably. So, we likely won't pull her from it -- but we will (and have been) require more action and activity, visible activity, in doing studying and preparation. This has the effect of sucking up all of her spare time, but that's not a bad thing. Anyway, I'm looking forward to her being back. I hope she's okay.

I got a response from a person with a physics degree to my earlier comment about superpositions and quantum entanglement. I'd like to say I understood what he said, but I didn't, really. I had to read it a couple of times just to get the gist of it. Still, it was nice of him to write. I appreciated it, and I enjoyed reading what he had to say. Speaking of reading, I was looking at a blog this afternoon wherein a woman spoke about her problems finding bathing suits for her young daughters, not to mention herself. She used a picture of one model and commented that this was what she wanted, though 'no exercise in the world would give her boobs like that again, after nursing two kids'. That made me squirm a bit. If she can't say that, who can? Yet, somehow, it bothered me. I'm not sure why.

And on that note, I think I'll get some sleep.


Wendster said...

Have you seen "What the Bleep do we know?"

It totally explains superpositioning and the basics of quantum physics.

It's a really good movie and I bet you could google it.

French toast out of challah. Mmmmmmm m m mm m m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Cerulean Bill said...

Until today, I'd not heard of it. I wasn't actually thinking about looking at it, because I assumed it was a hypergeek thing -- but now I will. Have some French toast!