Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chillin, Challah

Well, the bathroom towel loop is up, and the challah's made. The dough came pretty well. I think that the technique I used to braid the dough is defective, as I did just as they said, and as the instructions showed, but I tended to end up with three braids and a lonely strand, every so often. I undid it multiple times, doing it slowly each time, and it still happened. Looking on the net, I found different directions -- mine said to take the left most strand, designated 1, and put it between 2 and 3, then take the right most, designated 4, and put it between 1 and 2, alternating between steps; while the one I found said to take 1, pass it under 2 and 3, then up over 3 and down between 2 and 3 (I don't remember what they said the second step was). Could be that just gives you a tighter braid. After a couple of tries, the dough was looking more than a little battered, so I said the heck with it. But next time, I'll try the other way.

French toast tomorrow!

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