Monday, March 23, 2009


I don't tend to eat during the day - at least, not the normal ideas of eating. If I have lunch at all, I'll eat around 2, but frequently I'll skip it. I don't tend to have snacks, either, though I am partial to Ritz crackers -- and I'd have some now, were it not for the fact that they do require opposing teeth, which, thanks to the surgery, I don't currently have. I could ask the surgeon about wearing the appliance, but I know what he'd say: well, sure, but not right away. Say, in a couple of weeks. Normally, that's not a problem, but today, I'm just hungry, a lot. I just had another bowl of cereal, and I took some of the donut dough and baked it (surprisingly good, if only by my standards). I'm nibbling.

I think it's because I'm agitated, and a little irritated. Agitated by the cold: heck, it's only March, in the North, so this weather isn't abnormally cold, but two days ago, it was sixty-five degrees. And irritated, also by the cold, because I can't go out and do something about the lamp post base -- which is, I suspect, the actual cause of my irritation. I brought the lamp post out to a local welder, who allowed that they could repair it, but the repair would exceed the value of the lamp post - aluminum, you see, and it's painted, which clogs the pores -- I'd have to sandblast it by hand, and that'd take about four hours. So I asked the people who made the lamp post, and they said that they don't make it in white any more -- which I knew -- and that they couldn't make it in white, which surprised me. But, they added helpfully, I could look at the pictures on their web site (where you can hardly tell that it's a lamp post, and certainly can not tell the color); looking at the descriptions, the colors appear to be black, brown, bronze, and - my favorite - antique rust. Oh, frabjous day.

And we can't just say the hell with it, go buy a different kind. Well, we can, but then we have to get rid of the concrete base that was put in with this one, to hold the bolts and such. Its not very big, and I doubt its more than a couple of inches deep, but the idea of getting out there with the sledgehammer -- a small one, we've had it for years, and I don't even know where it is now -- and whaling at concrete just sounds like so much fun. Plus, there's a pipe carrying the wires from the garage; we'd have to figure out what to do with that.

Man...... I think I'm hungry again.


Tabor said...

It sounds like a great spring project especially for someone in the healing mode.

Cerulean Bill said...

I don't know what healing mode is, but for someone who likes digging, it'd be good. I just shoveled around the base and went down four inches of concrete before giving up. Holy hell.

Tabor said...

My daughter needs to replace the gas lamp in front of her place and neither she nor her hubby are much good at practical work...and we are too busy.

Cerulean Bill said...

Me, neither. I'm not all thumbs, but I told my wife years ago that I work better with her there, because she keeps me from doing something stupid.

Anonymous said...

You've got an interesting blog. I hope you get your eating tools working again soon. Mine of late have become problematic of late. Again, enjoyed the read. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

You've got an interesting blog. I hope you get your eating tools working again soon. Mine of late have become problematic. Again, enjoyed the read. Keep it up.

Cerulean Bill said...

Why, thank you! That's very kind. And, of course, opinions from anyone with that name....well!(g)