Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Not Politics

While I'm waiting for my preferred candidate to KA&TN, I thought it would be helpful to my sanity to swear off politics for a day and think about other things. So, here's a couple.

I'm baking some bread today. It's a brioche bread whose recipe I found in the Bread Bible, and its relatively easy. Like many of the recipes there, the book does tend to make some assumptions, or skip some things -- for example, this one says to mix some flour and other ingredients in one bowl, then put yeast and sugar and water in another, then - hey presto - run the beaters at a given speed -- but they're surmountable. The recipe's actually intended to make individual brioche's but as I don't have a 'brioche mold' (I didn't even know there was such a thing), I'm making a loaf of bread. Its not a lot of dough, but it is a lot of butter. I'm looking forward to seeing how it tastes. Naturally, tonight is another chaotic night, with my wife and daughter going out to eat at a local restaurant for a fund-raiser. Perhaps we'll bake today and have it for breakfast tomorrow.

Today was the first day that we used the delay-timer to have the coffee start at the time we got up. Good thing it brews into a metal thermal carafe, as we got up half an hour late.

I'm going to try to finish that Distraction book, and get some reading done on Team of Rivals. I picked up three more books at a local used book store, so I'm a little behind. I have to admit that one of them isn't as good as I had hoped. What is it that makes a book look good in the store, but not at home?

And thats going to be pretty much it for today, I think. But no politics. Well, not much.

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