Friday, September 12, 2008


I'm not a very religious guy. But I could totally go for this.


Sweeti said...

Because you turned your comments off I know you don't want to hear this, But...there is life beyond Politics and
People are human with all their flaws and imperfections, We will never know how they will govern this country of ours until they reach the Whitehouse.
They all Lie.
I can honestly say I felt the same way when we re-elected Bill Clinton. Just plain sick to my stomach. Never again.

Cerulean Bill said...

Think of the worst person you have ever known as president. I think he'd be in that league. His smirking attitude, his lies, his ads -- for gods sake, putting out ads implying Obama's a pedophile? Holy hell, what if he's in office and feels like squashing someone? What would stop him?

I'd sooner trust Bush.

Sweeti said...

What if? They (all) could do unthinkable things and I'm sure probably have. After all the real story's never break until the election is over.
The way I see it is that Obama really is no better that Mccain and his running mate I really don't care for.
I think it's just a waste of breath to debate politics anymore, people don't really get who they want and it's so twisted by the media in one direction or another , it leaves me totally disenchanted.

But, I'm thankful for the opportunity to be able to think and choose the way I do. That's what makes our country great, ...and I hope and pray this never changes.

Cerulean Bill said...

I can see that we seriously disagree.

Sweeti said...

Maybe so, but I still respect your opinion.

Cerulean Bill said...

Now, now. Much more of that, you'll be a Democrat, and then where will you be?

I'm sorry that I am so tense about it. It surprises even me, sometimes.