Monday, September 15, 2008


I may have mentioned in the past that I am a quasi-certified genius. No, really. Years ago -- okay, decades ago -- I took the test for Mensa, and got "148 on the Cattell Scale". I have no idea what that means, but it was enough for Mensa to say sure, c'mon in. I didn't stay with it, because I didn't find the local Mensans all that interesting (and I suspect the feeling was mutual); I'd read articles on occasion on how Mensans would get together in, say, Washington, DC, and they always sounded interesting - funny, involved, bright people. I dunno; maybe it was me. And lord knows, I'm not that smart anymore. Smart, yeah, kind of, but not Mensan-smart. I know this because a) I don't feel particularly bright, most days, and b) because on occasion I'll try those Do you think you could qualify for Mensa? puzzles, and I always get stumped, particularly on the spatial logic, which I am not good at.

The reason I mention this is that I just had a thought which will prove I shouldn't be in Mensa.

It just occurred to me that following Twitter, searching on Obama OR McCain OR Palin OR Biden, is driving me crazy. I get really excited, thinking Man, things are happening, we're going to make it after all, and then I look at the polls or see the news, and I crash, I just crash. I mean, geez: one article said that this latest financial bad news is Good News For McCain, because he wants to give tax cuts!!! Huh? I mean, Huh, before, but now WTF Huh? And so I get very depressed. Which, on top of the unsettling news we got today, I don't need.

So, yeah, I'm going to do some political stuff, some local calling, which is for Obama, and some voter registration, which is for anyone (though, apparently, the integrity of that is not universally believed, and apparently ONE of the major parties, I ain't saying which, has been sending out voter registrations to Democrats that appear to be, shall we say, invalid as all hell... but not me, I don't do that). But anyway, that'll be it. I'm not going to follow politics for a while.

Well.... I'll try.

And it took me almost a week to realize this.
Oh, yeah. Real Mensa material, you betcha.


STAG said...

The local mensa guy dropped into our sword fighting class and wanted us to "give a free demo" and to "be servers", as in serving drinks and food at one of their gatherings.
The reward was to be able to rub shoulders with the intelligensia.

One of my group asked they guy "and you are considered to be bright?"

I still laugh lo these many years later!

Cerulean Bill said...

Yeah, that was about my take, too. They likely WERE smart, the people I met, but there was no sense of comraderie, no feeling of togetherness. It wasn't quite people out to impress each other, but it felt that way.

Oh, and while you're up, get me a glass of water with lime.