Friday, May 02, 2008

Getting Things Done

Ran some errands this morning -- dropped off some things at the library, picked up some bedding for the guinea pigs (man, that stuff is expensive; I'd almost rather just shred dollar bills and use that), and picked up some prescriptions for my mother. No shopping yet -- I'll likely wait till my wife gets home and use the Prius. I would imagine a fair number of people are making that same calculation, these days. Well, normal people. Wall Street types, probably not.

It's a little disengenuous of me to say this, but I like what Barack Obama said about the gas tax. I generally find what he has to say to be lucid and sound; this was no exception.

This morning, the construction crew started up with their jackhammer about a quarter after seven; sort of like being attacked by Iron Man's woodpeckers. It didn't last long, but any amount of that is too much. They had to put in a channel for the drain pipe fitting on the new tub -- the existing one is right up against the wall, whereas the new one is about two feet away. I think they've got it in place now, though, because I notice that the bathtub is out of the storage room and, presumably, in the bathroom. Still going to be a while till it's hooked up, though. I have a couple of Before pictures of the space; once its done, if I remember, I post them and what it looks like afterward. Should be pretty nice.

There is a bee humming on the deck, bouncing against the screen. I'd feel smug where it not that every year a couple get into the house anyway; from where, we don't know. It really freaks out my daughter, and of course I'm not especially thrilled by it either. For years, I was really afraid of the experience of getting stung. Since it happened, not so much, but I don't look forward to it.

The grass is completely mown. I won't have to touch it again until Monday.


Lone Chatelaine said...

I always get a wasp or two in the house. They're really bad here this year since it didn't really get cold enough to kill them over the winter.

Guinea pigs are cute!

Are you talking about the gas tax holiday thing? That thing is just ridiculous. It won't do a bit of good. Not even good enough to be called a band-aid solution.

I'm also limiting my drives into the city. I don't just randomly drive in like I used to. If I know that I'm visiting friends there in a few days or going into the office the next week, then I'll wait and combine my shopping trip to correspond with that. Even for just 20 minute trips into the closest suburb shopping area. I try to get it all done in one trip, and if not, then wait till I have several things to do before making another trip.

Cerulean Bill said...

Yes, thats exactly the gas thing I mean. McCain and Clinton both support it; several economists, and Obama, say it isn't worth it.

If you like guinea pigs, you'll love the Prius -- its shaped just like one, I think. And its roomy inside -- not knees to your chin, as you'd guess. Its why we'll likely get a second one if and when a van-version comes out.