Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blow Me Down

At least, darn close. Some years ago, we had a small tornado touch down about half a mile from our house, with the result that a twenty-foot blue spruce was neatly uprooted and flipped on its side. The precursor to that event was a series of howling, moaning winds. We'd heard that the sound of the wind could be used as a warning, but we always heard it as 'oncoming freight train'. Not that night -- and not last night, either, though the winds were strong and persistent. Neither of us got much sleep. This morning, I half-expected to look out and see tree limbs down, or uprooted bushes. Not yet, not so far as I can see -- but I haven't looked around too closely.


Lone Chatelaine said...

I've been in and around a few of those. The really big ones do sort of have a train sound to them, but not all the time. The small ones are just like what you said, howling wind.

Cerulean Bill said...

It certainly got my attention. You hear stories of people with major damage -- even the event we had, people a block away had a tree limb intersect their garage -- but we didn't lose anything. Well, except a) sleep and b) the huge amount paid to the tree-removal guys.