Thursday, May 08, 2008

Rainy Days and Thursdays....

Drizzling, possibility of thunderboomers. Guess I won't go mow that patch today. Good thing I've been keeping up with the grass; bad thing that it isn't even June -- aka Prime Grass Growing Season -- yet!!!

Went to a session at the high school for parents of new freshmen. What can I say. They're nice enough people, but they're Educators, and they like the way they do things just fine. They're willing to listen, but not eager to change. I guess I really can't blame them -- there's probably people in Google who say 'What? We're changing the way we do it again?' But still -- this is my daughter we're talking about. One interesting conversation was specifically about getting information out regarding scholarships, but what it was really about was communication, period -- getting information out so that parents know about it. They don't want to lead the kids by the nose to information. They say the standard 'the kids need to take responsibility'. Um... and when they don't, who pays the price? (Literally, when it comes to scholarships.) To be fair, the school does all of the reasonable things -- newsletter, web information, annoucements -- and short of calling each kid's home, that's all they really can do. But, in a world of personalized mass communication and selling, why can't they? is it really that difficult? (And here is where I always think Damn, if I were running things...) Which is of course not the case, I realize. It wouldn't necessarily be better.

Why doesn't Blogger autosave save to your PC, not their own files? So that when communication fails to them, it doesn't fail, period? Geesh......

I see where Miley Cyrus really prefers to dress 'modestly'. Uh-huh. Unless there's money to be made...

National Security Letters, and those who invoke them, are – gee, ‘scum’ seems a bit harsh....

Nother trip to a doctor with my mother today. What fun.

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