Monday, March 08, 2010

Yo, Taxi!

I mentioned the other day that I had been mulling over what you could do with knowledge of the average transit time of the morning school bus. I'm not a deep thinker -- wait, was that a jelly doughnut? -- but it does seem to me that such tracking can yield useful information. (And thank you, CA, for your insights on that. I liked them.)

This morning, I came across an article on a Financial Times page regarding a London-based minicab company that uses GPS and other technologies to determine what the fastest routes are at any time of day. Not directly applicable to the school bus (okay, today we're going up the hill; you people over there, sorry, you need to find a different route) but doesn't it at least suggest that a canned 'this many buses going these pre-set routes at these times' process is a little antediluvian? Just a little?

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