Saturday, March 06, 2010


Ok, we've seen Avatar.

You know how it tends to be a bad idea to sit close to the screen in the movies?

When it's a 3D movie, its much worse. And we were ten rows back! Several times, I had to close my eyes to keep from getting dizzy.

Not a bad flick, by the way.


Tabor said...

Wait a few months and then you can watch it on DVD.

Cerulean Bill said...

True. Though, since it took me a while to buy Star Trek on DVD, I would imagine this would take a while, too. Though I liked the nature imagery, it was the technology displays that awed me. Seeing some of them reminded me that I occasionally wonder how long it will be before laptops have popup virtual displays -- or better. No more hinge failures!

genderist said...

I've heard different things about that movie. Glad to hear you liked it.

(It's on our netflix queue...)

Cerulean Bill said...

I did not feel that it was a great film (but then again, I'm not a 'great film' person; I honestly can't recall ever seeing one that made me delirious, which apparently Avatar has done for others). It was solid entertainnment, though. Many parallels with the Iraq War and with Settlers vs Indians came to mind. I did like the part where the chopper pilot -- but I won't spoil it.

I'm glad we went.