Saturday, March 20, 2010


My daughter's color guard instructor possibly thinks that I am a Bad Dad. My daughters color guard compatriots -- at least the ones riding in the van with her today -- probably think I'm pretty cool.

The reason: yesterday, I made some brownies so I could give a couple to my mento. I didn't want any of the rest, though, so I told my daughter they could take them on the road trip. This would be the road trip where the instructor said that they had to bring Healthy Snacks.

Well, we think they're healthy. And apparently, so do those girls. Oh, and if you ask your daughter to cut the brownies, you will get really big pieces.


Tabor said...

Just tell them they were made with soy!

Cerulean Bill said...

...which we'd prove to her if there were, um, any left!

Wendster said...

I want your daughter to cut MY brownies.

They're healthy ... enough.

Cerulean Bill said...

I like that. I may adopt that as a motto.