Friday, March 12, 2010

Permit THIS

So, guess who's all giddy this afternoon?


Tabor said...

I take it that the big day went well. Catch up on that sleep because now you will be up many a late night!!

Cerulean Bill said...

We plan on not letting her actually drive alone until she's ready. Which will be after I'm dead.

Unknown said...

Don't stand there! :-D

Congratulations to your offspring. :-)

Cerulean Bill said...

What's the saying? If your daughter wants to learn how to drive, don't stand in her way?

My mother never learned. She tried once (that I know of), got pulled over by a cop who said 'Lady, you can't drive!', and she never tried again. I don't think it would have made a physiological difference had she learned, but psychological? Oh, yeah.