McCain is lying. He's not a 'maverick'. Neither is his partner. He's Bush III, and she's no better. They lie about their positions, they lie about their history, they lie across the board. He's a war hero from the Vietnam war, yes. She's a popular Governor, yes. They both lie, vigorously.
Are they evil? No. He's got a lot of good, and she -- well, she's got some. Are they the better choice? Depends -- if you like torture as our policy, outsourcing jobs overseas, tax cuts for the top 2 percent and not for most of the other 98% - then, sure. And, of course, if you like hundred year occupations of countries in the Middle East, and gleeful offers to bomb them. And lets not forget the 'heartbeat from the presidency', which, given McCain's age, is more relevant now than its been in quite some time.
So, if you like all that - if you really think you're better off after eight years of Bush, and would like to see more of it - then go for it. Me, I'd just like to get back to having my country respected again. Instead of verging on moral and financial bankruptcy.