Sunday, November 30, 2008

Voting for Bush

I wonder sometimes about the people who voted for Bush, and would do so, again. Like these folks, I suspect. Wonder how they would view me?


Unknown said...

Probably in the same way they view the women who wrote the column.
This topics makes me want to rip out my hair sometimes. How can some people be so close-minded?
Anyway, I should take a pill before I burst a blood vessel.

Cerulean Bill said...

I try very hard to give people like that the benefit of the doubt.

I am only successful about a third of the time, though.

Unknown said...

Not once did I reveal I was an atheist, while in the South. It just didn't feel "safe".

Although it was a very decent couple of fellows, one wearing a "Christian Motorcycle Association" T-shirt who showed me where a campsite was! As we went down some really obscure lanes, I thought to myself "if they aren't who they say they are, I'm screwed!"

Ah well, live, learn and camp (it up). So to speak... :-)

Carolyn Ann

Cerulean Bill said...

You just have to toss the occasional 'praise the lord' into your normal sentences. Works like a champ. Protective camoflauge.

Unknown said...

I don't suppose "Praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster!" would work, then? :-)

Carolyn Ann

Cerulean Bill said...

Only if they're from the Reformed church, lightly sauced. Or just sauced, period.