Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I listened to the McCain and Obama speeches that each gave last night. Obama's was his usual elegant and effective oratory -- though he did promise a puppyy -- and McCain's was pretty good, as well. What amazed me was the response of the McCain folks, who booed at the very mention of Obama's name. I suppose I can understand their disappointment -- I'm familiar with being on the losing side -- but their reaction was uncalled for. Not that it was new -- it was the sort of thing that became common on Palin rallies, and at a growing number of McCain ones as well. This time, though, McCain didn't nod and smile at the response; instead, he waved them down and kept going. I'd like to believe it was his native decency appearing again, after so long in the shadows. For some rabid supporters, though, I guess it's going to take a while.


Tabor said...

I cannot remember the Democrats booing at Kerry's concession speech although the situation was far different and I honestly think they might have had a right to boo.

Cerulean Bill said...

I don't know. I recall a line from The American President (which, I should note, reflects liberal atttitudes) to the effect that politics is an adult pursuit, and there is no room for cheap shots and grandstanding. I think that a 'murmur of discontent' with this or that is okay, but when you're complaining by booing or chanting, you aren't being adult any more. I'm not saying 'don't complain', but I am saying that that sort of action isn't how rational, responsible adults complain. Except at the ball park -- and even there it isn't really good form.

I TOTALLY expect this attitude is a common one. Not.